
Knowledge Center for Impact-Linked Finance

Knowledge Center for Impact-Linked Finance

Discover our ILF resources!


This knowledge center has all the resources you need to acquainted with Impact-Linked Finance and kick off your journey as a practitioner of this innovative solution. Whether you are (1) a public or philanthropic funder and strive to make the most (impact-)effective use of your capital, (2) an intermediary or implementer who wants to structure and execute impact-linked deals, (3) an investor who would like to be serious about embedding impact into finance, or (4) an entrepreneur who wishes to receive “better terms for better impact”: Here, you are at the exact right spot to get started.

The goal of the knowledge center is to accelerate and multiply the application of Impact-Linked Finance around the world. We want to inspire like-minded pioneers and collaborate. Below are the resources that await you. These tools, templates, tutorials, and insights are open-source, ready-to-use and free of charge.

(1) Discover Impact-Linked Finance

Welcome to the basics around Impact-Linked Finance. If you haven’t had a chance to discover this innovative concept yet, this is the place to start. Here’s an overview of what you will find:

Why Impact-Linked Finance

What are the reasons to engage in Impact-Linked Finance? Which mission does this innovative concept serve? We paint the bigger picture for you in a piece by Björn Strüwer, Founder & CEO of Roots of Impact.


Do you look for a light-touch introduction to the concepts of Impact-Linked Finance and one of the instruments, “Social Impact Incentives” (SIINC)? Our video essays will explain the concepts to you and illustrate them with real-life examples.


Would you like to understand the main technical terms around Impact-Linked Finance? Our Glossary has the most important terms for you in an easy-to-understand language.


Did you have enough theory and are curious to see how Impact-Linked Finance works in practice? We introduce you to some of the pioneer programs and enterprises using Impact-Linked Finance. Get inspired by the range of impact sectors and regions!


Are you a public or philanthropic funder who seeks innovative ways to be catalytic and achieve maximum impact? Then our Primer is a great starting point to discover what Impact-Linked Finance can do for you.

(2) Deep dive into Impact-Linked Finance

Ready to dive deeper into Impact-Linked Finance and get one level closer to implementation? We have a lot of useful knowledge and wisdom to share:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Once you start thinking of implementing Impact-Linked Finance, a lot of questions emerge. For example, why types of impact can you incentivize, or which enterprises are suitable candidates? Our FAQ will answer your most burning questions.

Case library

Time to dive deeper into real life examples: our library offers in-depth case studies from Impact-Linked Finance transactions in various stages, regions and sectors.


Would you like to hear what the entrepreneurs have to say about their experience with Impact-Linked Finance? What was the process like and what were the short- and longer-term benefits of this innovative practice? Get some inspiring insights in our interviews.

Articles & Reports

Would you like to hear what others have to say about Impact-Linked Finance? Or get in-depth studies about the effectiveness of this innovative practice? We share the latest in third-party research and articles with you.

(3) Practice Impact-Linked Finance

Time to jump into practice. This is the place for tutorials, toolkits, bootcamps, and other interactive ways to learn and implement Impact-Linked Finance with our experts:

Innovative Finance Toolkit

How exactly can you shape innovative finance solutions to the unique needs of impact enterprises? The Innovative Finance Toolkit, co-developed by Roots of Impact, provides fresh approaches with details, variations, and examples.

Bootcamps & trainings

Are you ready to get in touch and join one of our bootcamps? Check out the next opportunities for you to meet our Impact-Linked Finance experts and train together with peers.

Checklists & templates

Templates are another way to benefit from the experience of our experts. Use our Impact-Linked Finance checklists & templates to smoothen your jump into practice.

(4) Calculate Impact-Linked Finance

There is no better way to see what Impact-Linked Finance can do for you than calculate a real-life example. With this unique and free Impact-Linked Finance Calculator, entrepreneurs, investors and funders can enter their case-specific data and simulate 3 different Impact-Linked Finance instruments in real-time:

(a) Social Impact Incentives (SIINC)

(b) Impact-Linked Loan

(c) Impact-Linked Revenue Share Agreement.

This one-of-its-kind open-source tool is only available on this Open Platform. Enjoy playing with it!

(5) Connect with the Impact-Linked Finance community

Practice becomes more effective and inspiring when you engage with a community of like-minded peers and experts. Our partners at Roots of Impact have exciting plans to build a Community Hub (CH) for Impact-Linked Finance. To stay up-to-date on the launch of this ILF CH,  check out this page. You can subscribe and contribute!

For now, you can receive premium services such as advice, guidance, and quality assurance by Impact-Linked Finance experts at Roots of Impact or iGravity.

Examples of topics that can be covered in these advisory mandates are:

How to (1) integrate Impact-Linked Finance in a particular organizational set-up (for implementers and funders), (2) design Impact-Linked Finance programs and funds (for implementers and funders), (3) screen and select suitable enterprises (for implementers), (4) best structure Impact-Linked Finance transactions (for implementers), (5) choose the right Impact-Linked Finance instrument (for implementers and funders), or (6) deal with impact – from impact assessment to impact incentives and impact verification (for implementers).

Previous Impact-Linked Finance knowledge – gained e.g. either in an Impact-Linked Finance Bootcamp or via other forms of engagement – is highly recommended prior to requesting premium advisory services.

If you are an entrepreneur interested in receiving Impact-Linked Finance, please check out our Impact-Linked Funds and their calls for applications.

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