About the Fund
The Impact-Linked Finance Fund provides finance to high-impact enterprises and directly rewards these for positive outcomes generated through their business activities. It was established by Roots of Impact and iGravity in order to pool their know-how and activities for implementing scalable Impact-Linked Funds.
The Fund, set up as a Dutch foundation, acts as an operating platform for Impact-Linked Finance. We also advocate for embedding impact-related principles and terms in other business, policy and finance areas.
How we provide Impact-Linked Finance
The Fund provides innovative finance in multiple forms to market-based organizations and uses a variety of non-repayable and repayable financial instruments that link financial terms to realized outcomes. In the table below are some examples of such instruments. We also provide funding to intermediaries who give financial or technical support to high-impact organizations. One way of doing this is by compensating them for offering concessional finance linked to positive outcomes.
What we want to achieve
The ultimate goal of the Impact-Linked Finance Fund is to support facility managers in implementing Impact-Linked Funds to catalyze private sector investment for the benefit of high-impact enterprises by improving their risk-return profiles. By either enhancing financial returns and/or mitigating the risk of investing in these enterprises, we can mobilize more vital resources and catalyze much deeper impact. The Design Principles for Impact-Linked Finance are guiding our activities and we will advocate for them to be broadly applied by others, too.
How we run our Impact-Linked Funds
We work with ring-fenced Impact-Linked Funds related to specific themes, programs and geographies, allowing donors and funders to earmark their contributions.